Software Patches
  Installation Instructions

Principia Support : Software Patches
Update of Morningstar Rating for eight American Century Maturity Date Funds and correction to Stocks Returns

The July 2009 release of Principia® Mutual Funds, Mutual Funds Advanced, Stocks, Stocks Advanced, and the Principia Suite (with data as of 06-30-09) contained some data errors.

Note: Please ensure you have already installed the July 2009 release before the installation of the following patch files.

This past quarter end, eight American Century Maturity Date funds were incorrectly moved from Investment Grade categories to Target Date categories.

American Century Target Mat 2010 Adv
American Century Target Mat 2010 Inv
American Century Target Mat 2015 Adv
American Century Target Mat 2015 Inv
American Century Target Mat 2020 Adv
American Century Target Mat 2020 Inv
American Century Target Mat 2025 Adv
American Century Target Mat 2025 Inv

Patch fix072009MFAdv.exe  updates the categories, Morningstar Rating and Total Return Percentile Ranks for these funds in Principia® Mutual Funds Advanced Module. Note: This patch, fix072009MFAdv.exe is only for subscribers of Mutual Funds Advanced Module or the Principia Suite. If you do not have either of these installed then you do not need to install this patch.

Patch fix072009MF.exe updates the categories, Morningstar Rating and Total Return Percentile Ranks for these funds in Principia® Mutual Funds Module. Note: This patch, fix072009MF.exe is only for subscribers of Mutual Funds Module. If you do not have it installed then you do not need to install this patch.

Patch fix072009ST.exe updates return data for some stocks in Principia® Stocks and Stocks Advanced Module. Note: This patch, fix072009ST.exe is only for subscribers of the Stocks Module, the Stocks Advanced Module or the Principia Suite. If you do not have either of these installed then you do not need to install this patch.

Principia subscribers
We recommend that all subscribers to Principia Mutual Funds, Mutual Funds Advanced, Stocks, Stocks Advanced, and the Principia Suite download and install the appropriate patch. Please ensure that you attempt to download and install the patch intended only for the modules you subscribe to.

This patch is intended for those who subscribe to a single-user version of Principia or for administrators of network versions. If you are unsure which Principia license you have, launch Principia, click the Help menu, then click About Principia. The last line of the message box reads either Single User Version or Network Version.

To download and install the patch for single-user version
1 Close Principia.
2 Download the patch, and then choose to save the files to your hard disk.
3 Save the files to a folder on your PC. Note the name and location of this folder. When download is complete, locate the files and double-click them. Follow the on-screen instructions.

To download and install the patch for network version
1 Please ensure that no users currently have Principia open and that you are installing the patch from a workstation that has Principia installed on it while logged on using an account that has rights to install to the Server.
2 Download the patch, and then choose to save the files to your hard disk.
3 Save the files to a folder on your PC. Note the name and location of this folder. When download is complete, locate the files and double-click them. Follow the on-screen instructions.

If you have trouble downloading or installing this patch, e-mail us at or call Tech Support at 312-424-4299.

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